Water Rocks! Summit
The Water Rocks! Summit is a professional development workshop that offers training for teachers, extension educators, and naturalists on a multitude of hands-on, interactive educational modules to help teach classroom lessons on water, wetlands, biodiversity, ecosystems, agriculture, environmental science, and more. Participants will also have the opportunity to further their technical understanding of agricultural and environmental issues related to these topics through engaging talks by Iowa State University faculty and staff working in these fields.
Summit Dates
June 17-18, 2025 | Ames, IA
Thanks to our partners, the Water Rocks! Summit is FREE of charge for all accepted participants, and includes the following:
Complimentary Water Rocks! activity kit valued at $600+*
All meals and snacks during the workshops
Honorarium payment to assist with travel and overnight accommodations
*If multiple people participate from the same school or organization, one activity kit will be shared amongst the participants.
Summit FAQs
Who can attend the Summit?
Teachers of all grade levels are welcome to participate in the Water Rocks! Summit. Our extensive classroom materials include lessons and activities for grades K-12—science-centered, and integrating social studies, literature, music, and the arts.
How do I apply?
Applications for the 2025 WR! Summit are open through April 4, 2025. Please carefully consider the following questions in preparation for completing your application:
Why do you want to participate in the Water Rocks! Summit?
How do you envision using the Summit and materials to advance your district's learning standards and benchmarks?
Individual applications and team applications (2-3 teachers applying together from the same school/organization) are welcome. Teams will go home with one activity kit shared amongst their school.
I am a pre-service teacher. Can I apply for the Summit?
The WR! Summit workshops are not open to pre-service teachers.
I am a naturalist, I work with ISU Extension and Outreach, etc. Can I participate in the Summit?
Yes—we welcome your participation in the Water Rocks! Summit! Applications for the 2025 WR! Summit are open through April 4, 2025.
When is the application deadline?
April 4, 2025 is the application deadline for the 2025 WR! Summit.
What does the Summit workshop timing look like?
June 17, 2025—1:00pm - 9:00pm
June 18, 2025—8:00am - 4:00pm
Where is the Summit?
ISU Alumni Center
429 Alumni Ln
Ames, IA 50011
Free parking is available on the east side of the ISU Alumni Center.
What is required of participants?
Accepted participants will be required to participate in assessments at the beginning and end of Summit. Participants are expected to complete a one page reflection at the conclusion of the Summit, as well as follow-up evaluation with the Water Rocks! team in the subsequent year.
How much does it cost?
Thanks to our partners, the Water Rocks! Summit is FREE of charge for all accepted participants, and includes the following:
Complimentary Water Rocks! activity kit valued at $600+*
All meals and snacks during the workshops
Honorarium to assist with travel expenses
Eligibility for 1 license renewal credit (individual’s expense, if desired)
*If multiple participants are attending from the same school building/organization, one activity kit will be shared amongst the participants.
Are continuing education credits and/or grad credits being offered?
The two-day June 17-18, 2025 Water Rocks! Summit workshop is eligible for one (1) license renewal credit, with license renewal credit costs ($50.00) being the responsibility of participating teachers. License renewal registration information will be provided to all participants accepted into the Summit, and each participant can decide whether or not to seek the credit. The Summit is not eligible for graduate credits.
What should I bring to the Summit?
Bring your enthusiasm, your curiosity, and your questions about what Iowa’s natural resources!
Dress comfortably and casually for both indoor and outdoor activities.
Be sure that you have a good amount of space available in your vehicle, as your complimentary Water Rocks! activity kit will include multiple plastic totes, banners, posters, etc.
I previously participated in the WR! Summit and am looking for PowerPoints, activity instructions, etc. …
Click the button below to access resources from the WR! Summit workshops, including PowerPoints, videos, activity instructions, and more!
I have other questions about the Summit. Who can I talk to?
Ann Staudt, Water Rocks! Director
This cooperative project has been funded in part through the Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. Partners of Water Rocks! include Iowa Department of Natural Resources (United States Environmental Protection Agency), Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, and personal gifts of support.