Use Less Water

Fresh water is scarce, it’s worth its weight in gold.

Use less so we can share it with another soul.

Many places on earth have rivers running dry,

Consumption is one reason why.


Being aware of our water needs

Is a strategy to help us take the lead.

What we need to do is use water less.

There are many ways each of us can do that.



Use less (water), use less (water)

Use less (water), use less (water)


Here are ways to use less in our daily routine:

Turn the faucet off while you are brushing teeth,

Never leave a hose running while it’s not in use,

Using less will help others and that’s the truth.


Grow your own vegetables and eat less meat,

Take shorter showers, yes, I know that’s quite a feat.

These are simple ways to use water less,

Let’s share around the world, let’s give our best.




We have to think globally to manage this water,

Think about somebody’s son and think about their daughter.

Other places suffer from how much we consume.

Make a habit of using less, that’s what we need to do.


Let’s cut back on our water, we must reduce.

Each of us together, we cannot lose.

Reducing water use is a way to keep things green,

We’re all in this together, like one big team.

