Water Rocks! Creative Team

Introducing the Water Rocks! Creative Team... the incredibly talented, Iowa-based musicians, videographers, and web developers working behind the scenes to make Water Rocks! happen. Click on each button below to meet the members of the Water Rocks! Creative Team.

Jon Anderson
Video Producer

Jacqueline Comito
Artistic Director

Alyssa Dreeszen
Video Producer

Kirk Kaufman
Music Producer

Erin Rollenhagen
Web Developer

Todd Stevens

Ann Staudt


Water Rocks! Student Repertory Players



The following students -- college, high school, and middle school students -- have acted in one or more Water Rocks! video productions and proudly make up the Water Rocks! Student Repertory Players:


Kaleb Baber, Hannah Corey, Max DiBlasi, Bailey Griffin, Tyler Griffin, Joshua Hall, Jessi Harms, Joshua Harms, Kayla Hasper, Andrew Hillman, Michelle Hu, Liz Juchems, Megan Koppenhafer, Laura Lacquement, Amanda Marlin, Becca Meerdink, Emily Rehmann, Jessica Rehmann, Kate Sanocki, Elizabeth Schwab, Pacifique Simon, Francesca Spencer, Anna Stevens, Isaiah Stevens, Julia Stevens, Kaleb Stevens, Noah Stevens, Rachel Stevens, Rebekah Stevens, Sam Waite, Emily Waskel, Nathan Waskel, Connor West, Mikah Wright